On the surface it seems like we live in a consumer paradise but looks are often deceiving. Despite incessant and highly targeted psychological claims made by merchants, advertisers, and social media influencers, to the contrary, personal happiness and well-being can never be sold.

Facing this constant bombardment, a growing number of people seem to be caught in a spiral of consumerism and find themselves unable to escape the cycle of purchasing more and more in an attempt to prove their worth to themselves and the world.

Like in the Wizard of Oz, big promises are made but the Wizard himself is a fraud. He has no magical power to grant wishes. His ‘magic’ is in creating a beautiful facade that, when pulled back, reveals only what is truly valuable – the heart, mind and courage of the individual.
It is my hope that the images in this series will allow viewers to peek beyond the façade and be more conscious of the enchanting propaganda aimed at them as consumers.

This portfolio was awarded the Pacific New Media Portfolio Award in the Contemporary Photography in Hawai’i 2021 show.